Adelie Penguin, Petermann Island, Antarctic Peninsula
More random thoughts about bartending
10 years ago
Penguin News Today
Adelie Penguin, Petermann Island, Antarctic Peninsula
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We're calling on you to tell 25 key decision makers the time to protect Antarctica's ocean is now!
The map of Antarctica above shows you the 25 countries, including the
EU, who collectively hold the fate of the Southern Ocean in their hands.
These countries are meeting in less than 20 days to decide the fate of the last pristine ocean wilderness left on Earth.
If your answer is yes then follow these steps:
1. Head to our new interactive map here
2. Click on any of the 'critical to success' countries and email their decision maker to urge them to show leadership and protect the Southern Ocean next month.
3. Share this url
Last year, the body that manages Antarctica’s marine environment, CCAMLR
As all CCAMLR decisions require consensus of the 25 Members, it is
critical to send a clear message to these leaders that we are relying on
them to show collective vision in order to protect these waters for
future generations.
As the CCAMLR meeting in Germany approaches, we will be calling on your
support again to spread the word and take action about this momentous
Once part of a flat, spiral disk, the orbits of the galaxy's stars have become scrambled due to gravitational tidal interactions with the other galaxy. This warps the galaxy's orderly spiral, and interstellar gas is strewn out into giant tails like stretched taffy.According to Hubblecast, the galaxy collision occurring in Arp 142 throws clouds of gas and dust together at breakneck speeds, triggering the formation of new stars.
Physicists represent particle decay paths in shorthand by making drawings called Feynman diagrams. A Feynman diagram is series of squiggles, lines, loops and letters that track quantum processes. The diagrams are named after their inventor, theorist and Nobel Laureate Richard Feynman.Why did Franklin choose a penguin? Apparently it has to do with a joke that had nothing to do with physics at all. It goes like this:
In the diagram of the bottom quark decay, the virtual particles appear as a loop and a series of squiggles. The final drawing almost resembles a bird with a head, a round, white belly and two feet.
A truck driver is delivering two penguins to a new zoo when he runs over a nail in the road. He manages to flag down a passing motorist.Franklin is now the chair of the Harvard University Department of Physics, where she is not in charge of any penguins.
“Hey there,” says the truck driver. “I’ve got a flat, but I need to get these penguins to the zoo ASAP. Will you please take them while I fix this problem?”
“Of course, no worries,” says the motorist. “Happy to do it. I love penguins.”
So the two penguins crawl into the passenger seat, and off they go.
Well, it takes a little while, but the truck driver gets his tire fixed up. He drives into town headed for the zoo, but when he passes by the cinema, who should he see walking out the door but the motorist with the two penguins in tow.
“Woah there,” he calls out. “I thought I asked you to take them to the zoo!”
“Oh yes, you did,” says the motorist. “But we had a bit of change left over, so we decided to take in a movie, too!’
Rockhopper penguins in the early morning on Saunders Island