SINGAPORE –A balding penguin has recently been outfitted with a special wetsuit to replace lost feathers. The suit acts in the same way feathers do, retaining warmth and providing insulation, while also promoting feather regrowth. Like a good tuxedo, the penguin’s new suit is custom-made. See the photos of this dapper Humboldt penguin here. — Global Animal
Angelin (L), an avian management officer, watches as a featherless Humboldt penguin (R) wearing a wetsuit goes for a swim inside the enclosure at the Jurong Bird Park in Singapore on April 4, 2011. The 10-year-old penguin has been experiencing continued feather loss since 2010 and is being treated with customized wetsuits. The suit acts like a natural feather covering, providing warmth and insulation which also helps new feather growth. Photo Credit: Roslan Rahman / AFP - Getty Images
A featherless Humboldt penguin (2nd R) in a wetsuit walks past others in the enclosure at the Jurong Bird Park in Singapore on April 4, 2011. Photo Credit: Roslan Rahman / AFP - Getty Images
A featherless Humboldt penguin (L) in a wetsuit stands on a rock next to king penguins (R) in the enclosure at the Jurong Bird Park in Singapore on April 4, 2011. Photo Credit: Roslan Rahman / AFP - Getty Images
A featherless Humboldt penguin in a wetsuit goes for a swim in the enclosure at the Jurong Bird Park on April 4. Photo Credit: Roslan Rahman / AFP - Getty Images
Angelin, an avian management officer, puts a wetsuit on a featherless Humboldt penguin at the Jurong Bird Park in Singapore on April 4. Photo Credit: Roslan Rahman / AFP - Getty Images
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