Tuesday, February 7, 2012

'Scruffy' penguins not sick

The West Australian February 6, 2012,
Scruffy penguins fine: DEC'Scruffy' penguins fine: DEC
The Department of Conservation have reassured concerned beachgoers that penguins currently on the south coast of WA, are healthy despite their unusual appearance.
The department has received numerous calls from members of the public reporting that the penguins appear scruffy, lethargic and unusually tame, allowing people to approach them.

Warren District nature conservation co-ordinator Karlene Bain said despite their unusual appearance and behaviour the penguins were fine and merely moulting.
"The truth is most of these penguins are not sick, they're moulting," she said.

"All adult penguins need to moult each year, usually in late summer. All of their feathers are shed and replaced over a period of two to three weeks."
Ms Bain said during this time the penguins' feathers were not waterproof so they need to stay on land whilst growing their new coats.

"Whilst on shore the penguins are vulnerable to predators such as dogs, foxes and cats," she said.
"They cannot feed while moulting, so they feed intensively beforehand and store body fat in order to survive the loss of up to half their body weight.
"Once moulting has finished, they will go back into the water with their new coat and build up their weight again."

The department said they have receive queries about two species of penguin in particular-the rockhopper penguin and the little penguin.
The most recent arrivals to the south coast have been rockhoppers.

They are classified as endangered and travel roughly 3500km from the islands of St Paul and New Amsterdam to reach WA.
"The penguins that have come ashore are young animals that come to this area to feed off the continental shelf.
"Once they are old enough to breed, they will head back to their island homes in the Indian Ocean," Ms Bain said.

Members of the public who find one of these penguins on a beach or nestled among rocks should contact the DEC Walpole office on 9840 0400 with details of the penguin's location.
But Ms Bain advises people to observe from a distance, keep quiet and enjoy the unique moment without causing stress to the penguin.

"Do not try to catch, feed or prevent the penguin going back into the ocean," she said.

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