The staff at Jenkinson’s Aquarium just visited our table and brought the cutest guest with them…an adorable baby penguin, and you can help name her!
Baby seal visits Lou & Liz at Jenkinson’s (Lou Russo, Townsquare Media NJ)
To find out how you can help choose from four names the staff has put
together just visit Jenkinson’s Aquarium on the boardwalk in Point
Pleasant Beach.
You can also visit the Aquarium to catch a glimpse of this adorable penguin!
She is absolutely precious and is doing very well getting used to the
surroundings penguins and all her new penguin friends. Another great
reason to visit Jenkinson’s Aquarium!
The Penguin Camera is located on Torgersen Island (64°46’S, 64°04’W), off the coast of Anvers Island and less than a mile from Palmer Station. Torgersen Island is home to a colony of Adélie penguins numbering approximately 2,500. This camera is seasonal and operates primarily from October to February, the Adélie breeding season. The camera is solar-powered and may sometimes experience brief outages due to inclement weather. School classrooms and other educational demonstrations will often take control of the camera, moving it to gain better views of the colony.
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