Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Adorable baby penguin hand-reared in Britain filmed having a tasty meal (videos)

Lowen is the last of six chicks to be bred this season season at Paradise Park in Hayle, Cornwall

This adorable video shows the last penguin chick of the season being hand-reared at a British wildlife park. The cute chick called Lowen, which means 'Joyful' in Cornish, is seen being hand-reared as its parents were not supplying him with enough food.

Lowen is the last of six chicks to be bred this season season at Paradise Park in Hayle, Cornwall.
Keeper, Logan Ody, said: "It's been great. In total we have had six penguin chicks so we are doing really well this year.

"A couple of the chicks from earlier this season are proving to be particularly friendly with our visitors and becoming big stars at the penguin photo-call sessions each day."

SWNS Lowen the hand reared penguin at Paradise Park in Hayle, Cornwall
Baby: Lowen the hand reared penguin at Paradise Park in Hayle, Cornwall
Paradise Park hosts a colony of Humboldt's penguins, a species that commonly live along the warm coasts of Peru and Chile. They are considered a vulnerable species in the wild due to human interference and pollution.


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