by Sarah K. Norris
May 21, 2009
The Shedd Aquarium’s dolphins, whales and marine mammals are home, after nine months on vacation while their permanent home at the Oceanarium underwent renovations.
The Oceanarium reopens Saturday with new environments, including an interactive area designed specifically for children ages two to seven. Kids can try out life as a penguin and even touch the sea stars.
This Polar Play Zone has five areas, each offering young children interactive experiences as well as viewing access to the Oceanarium’s Pacific white-sided dolphins, Beluga whales, Alaskan sea otters, California sea lions and the penguins.
In the tidal touch pool, kids can don raincoats and get their hands on sea stars and a variety of shellfish, like mussels, limpets and barnacles.
Children and adults alike can really get inside a penguin’s head in the Icy South section by climbing into a penguin suit and exploring an environment of rocks, tunnels and slides that mimic the penguins’ own habitat.
“This entire exhibit is really about exploration and learning,” said Ken Ramirez, senior vice-president of animal collections and training. “What we try to do is hide the learning in games and fun.”
The aquarium also introduces a new species of penguin, warm-weather Magellanic penguins, which will come out and meet the public later in the summer.
Other new animals at the Shedd include two California sea lions, rescued from Bottleneck Dam in Washington, and a Pacific white-sided dolphin on loan as part of the aquarium’s successful breeding program. Three of the seven Beluga whales at the facility were born at the Shedd and the staff is hoping to replicate that success with their dolphins.
Another feature coming later in the summer is the return of the Oceanarium’s marine mammal show.
“When the Oceanarium opened in 1991, it doubled our attendance,” said Mike Delfini, the Shedd’s vice-president of planning and design.
Over the Memorial Day weekend, the aquarium is offering free admission to the first 100 visitors on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. In addition, the facility will keep pricing the same as last summer and will introduce a new student discount. The Shedd will also offer a free and reduced admission week from June 14-19.
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