Friday, February 21, 2014

Swimming lessons for penguin chicks

Fri Feb 21 2014

Keepers at Kelly Tarlton’s Sea Life Aquarium took three gentoo penguin chicks for their very first swimming lesson this week.

The swim lesson was held in a smaller off-shoot of the main pool, with penguin keepers getting in the water to ensure the three-month-old chicks (who have yet to be named) had a space to themselves as they submersed themselves in water for the first time.

It was not love at first dip – the young birds made a dash to the edge of the pool to escape, but eventually grew used to the sensation of the frigid Antarctic water and even to put their heads under.

Photos: Kelly Tarlton’s Sea Life Aquarium

Keeper Amy Redpath keeps the chicks in the pool.
Keeper Amy Redpath keeps the chicks in the pool.
This is the first time the lesson has been held.
It was set up because some of the older birds intimidate learning swimmers.
It took a while for the chicks to get used to the freezing water.
But after some wing flapping and mad dashes to the side of the pool, they got a littler braver.
The birds even managed to immerse their heads.
Soon they will be as at ease in the water as their parents.

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