First Published Jan 05 2015
swim in their pool during the annual stock take at London Zoo, Monday,
Jan. 5, 2015. Caring for more than 750 different species, London Zoo
keepers started the New Year with the task of counting every single
animal. With three Sumatran tiger cubs adding vital numbers to the
European conservation breeding programme, the birth of six
critically-endangered Philippine crocodiles and the arrival of nine
Humboldt penguin chicks, all of the new additions will be added to the
records. (AP Photo/Kirsty Wigglesworth)
• Zookeepers with clipboards are coaxing, corralling and counting
creatures as London Zoo begins an annual census of its 17,000 residents.
The zoo is home to more than 750 species, from
red-kneed spiders to Sumatran tigers, and all must be accounted for. The
yearly stock-taking is required under the license terms for all British
New arrivals this year include 10 young
Humboldt penguins, three tiger cubs and six baby Philippine crocodiles —
the first ever bred in Britain.
The count began Monday and is expected to take
about a week. Tiny creatures such as ants are counted in colonies, but
all others are recorded individually.
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