A PENGUIN washed ashore at Glen Eden more than four years ago died last year of a heart attack.
His name was Pinky, and his sudden death took his minder by surprise. He had survived the move from the East London aquarium to the Two Oceans aquarium in Cape Town, but perhaps the shock was too much for the little rock hopper.
East London resident Lee Lemmer found the rock hopper penguin while on a camping trip at Glengariff beach in January 2005.
Lemmer took the baby penguin to the East London aquarium, where it was checked over and given good chances of survival.
The bird, which is a rarity on the South African coastline, was assumed by aquarium officials to have been washed ashore by ocean currents.
Buffalo City Municipality’s chief marine services officer Siani Tinley said: “Rock hoppers don’t breed along the South African coastline. They breed in sub-Antarctic islands like Marion and Gough islands, but occasionally they get washed up along the South African coast.”
Because of East London’s warm climate the baby penguin was later moved to Cape Town, where it stood a better chance of survival.
Pinky thrived after arriving in its new home and settled down with its newly acquired family of the fellow rock hoppers at the aquarium.
Co-ordinator of Tourism and Promotions Rene Leeuwner , who feeds the penguins at times, said Pinky was her favourite and she was very hurt at its passing.
“I was busy feeding him on the day that he died. We were sitting on the rocks and I was reaching for a fish. Next thing, I saw him drop to the ground. I called the vet immediately and he said that he died of a major heart attack. He had been sick the year before, too. You know that once a year they shed and he was maybe in a stressful situation because he wasn’t shedding at all. His death still took me by surprise though.” - By ZISANDA NKONKOBE
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