Thursday, April 17, 2014
By Dominique
The lights shined on the ground (but not too brightly, to be on the safe side). And it spun in circles… oooooh… The attending penguins were quite intrigued. They gawked at the colors, or maybe it was the motion. A couple penguins walked around and around to get different views, stopping every few waddles to peer and cock their head to the side as though trying to reason out what the thing was. But I guess Penguin parties are short. After a time with the repetitive disco ball, the penguins decided to call it a night and return to their regular activities of swimming and following their caretakers around. And with that, the party was over.

Penguins headed down the stairs to the party behind the scenes! | Dominique Richardson
Newsom eyes shiny, colorful confetti safely trapped in a bottle. | Dominique Richardson
Newsom and Hedi stare a the disco ball. | Dominique Richardson
Newsom, intrigued, gets an up close look at the shiny lights. | Dominique Richardson
Heidi inspects the disco ball up close. | Dominique Richardson

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